
Mr. Selcuk Ozturk

Board Member, Union of Chambers and Commodity...

Name : Mr. Selcuk Ozturk
Position: : Board Member, Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB)
Profession : Mechanical Engineer, Business Leader

He was born in 1967. After completing his high school education in Konya, Öztürk graduated from İstanbul Technical University (ITU), Department of Mechanical Engineering in 1988.
Between 1988 and 1991, he worked as a mechanical engineer in a private company in the mechanical installation sector in İstanbul. In 1991, he continued his mechanical engineering studies in Konya and worked in a private company in the Organized Industrial Zone. In 1992, he founded KAYI-TES company operating in the machinery installation contracting sector. In 2021, he is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of SOVO Mekanik Inc, which he established.
Selçuk Öztürk was among the founding members of MÜSİAD Konya Branch in 1993. He served as a member of the Board of Directors of Konya Chamber of Commerce between 2001-2005. Between 2005 and 2009, he served as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of MUSIAD Konya Branch, which he took part in its establishment.
Since 2011, Mr. ÖZTÜRK, who has been the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Konya Chamber of Commerce, was elected as a Member of the Board of Directors of TOBB in January 2014; as of 04.11.2016, he was elected as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Chambers, Commodity Exchanges and Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye Personnel Insurance and Retirement Fund Foundation; At the TOBB Board of Directors Meeting held on 26.12.2017, he was elected as the Vice President of TOBB; He is currently continuing his duty as a Member of the Board of Directors of TOBB. Mr. Öztürk is also the Chairman of the Board of Directors of KTO Education and Health Foundation and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of KTO Karatay University.